The new edition of "Yofi oder Die Kunst des Verzeihens" was published by Tigerbaum Verlag (Tigerbaum Publishing).

5th edition: 08/2015




In 2013 the parable was published

in Korea (Publisher: XO Books)



In June 2012 the story was published in Serbia.

 The English e-book was translated by Elin Arbin and Lola Renn and published in October 2012.

       In November 2012 the parable was published in Turkey. The rhino’s Turkish name is "Kofi" – like in the English e-book edition.

The first edition of Yofi was published in 2007 by Berlin-Verlag (BLOOMSBURY) as a top title. It underwent two editions, both of which sold out completely.

Tigerbaum Publishing



The story is available in five languages.

(English, German, Serbian, Turkish, Korean)